Lion 096 Car Battery Review

The UK’s foremost car battery experts: that’s what we are.

And this is our Lion 096 car battery review.

We’ve listed the basic specifications below. Make sure it’s a 12V battery you need (if you’ve got a car, it will be!).

Then check out the rest of the article, where we give our ratings and opinions on whether or not it’s any good.

After reading the review, check out more details on the Lion 096 70Ah (on this link you can see price, size, specifications on ebay).

Battery buying guide

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Lion 096 Battery price, size, specifications

Lion 096 Battery

  • Voltage: 12V
  • Capacity: 70Ah
  • CCA: 640
  • Guarantee: 3 years

How exactly did we come to the conclusions you’ll see in this 096 review?

We tested it for the following:

  • Does it match up to its stated power capabilities?
  • Does it have enough capacity for most drivers needs?
  • How good is its starting power?
  • How well does it hold up in cold weather conditions?
  • How does it compare to other car batteries of this size?
Lion 096 Car Battery Review

Rating the Lion 096 Battery

Here are our thoughts after testing the Lion 096 Car Battery. The good, the bad, the ugly, the whole shebang, right here.

Lion 096 Battery price, size, specifications

Lion 096 Car Battery

Plus points and who is suited to this 12V battery:

By that we mean that it’s been on the market for a good few years now, and it’s proven to last well. Lion certainly aren’t the biggest or most established brand out there. Frankly, there are other batteries with better technology. And yet… Lion batteries like this 096 model are performing really well for a lot of people.

Expert rated
The automotive professionals we asked for feedback on this battery had good words to say. And while there’s motivation for them to oversell a battery’s abilities to a potential customer, there’s no reason for them to say to us that a particular battery is performing well.

It’s really quite something, value-wise
It’s fully 25 quid cheaper than the next cheapest 096 battery (of the ones that are worth getting!). And with proven longevity and reliability, we have no issues recommending this battery as a perfectly acceptable one for most people.

Negative aspects and why this model could not be for you:

Battery Capacity is not the highest
The other 096 batteries we recommend have higher capacity. The mid range ones have around 74Ah, and those at the top of the market have a capacity of 77Ah. At 70Ah, it’s not that this Lion battery is lagging far behind. Most of the time, you wouldn’t notice the difference.

Its CCA is outmatched by the competition
The top Bosch and Varta models have 140CCA more than this Lion. Now that difference isn’t nothing (FYI, here’s what CCA means). But bear in mind, the Bosch 096 S5 model is nearly double the price and the Varta Silver 096 battery is even more than that.

So you may be asking the question: do those lower capacity and CCA values actually mean I shouldn’t get this Lion 096 car battery?

Here’s our recommendation. If you have a big, heavy car, you should probably get a higher spec battery – for example Exide’s 096 model is more suited.

If you have a particular need or desire to minimise the risk of a breakdown or failure to start in cold weather, you may also consider some more powerful 096 car batteries.

Otherwise, if you have a small to medium sized car, this Lion battery will do you just fine. It’s now one of the UK’s top car battery brands for a reason.

Where can I get it?

Check out the price, size and specifications on ebay, right here.

Lion 096 Car Battery Review Summary

Thanks for checking out our Lion 096 car battery review.

Hopefully that shed some light on this battery. We do recommend it as a good battery for most people.

We discussed those who may need a higher spec battery. But other than that, it’s a really solid performer. Lion batteries are not an historic brand but we find that they have a growing reputation in the car batteries industry (here is our analysis and review of Lion batteries, as a whole.

If you’re interested, check out further details on the 096 70Ah battery (on this link you can see price, size, specifications on ebay).

Good luck with your battery selection, Lion or otherwise.